
时间:2010-04-28 10:10:53 | 来源:亚博备用网址





1965年生于北京,中国当代艺术策展人。1988年毕业于中央美术学院美术史系,获学士学位;1993 年获该系硕士学位。担任北京公社创始人及现任主持,并担任著名美国画廊PaceWildenstein在亚洲的唯一分支机构Pace Beijing的总裁。


Leng Lin

Leng Lin (born in 1965, Beijing) is an important curator of Chinese contemporary art. He graduated from the Department of Art History, Central Academy of Fine Arts with B.A. in Art History in 1988 and in 1993 he was awarded a master’s degree in Art History. He is the founder of Beijing Commune and the president of Pace Beijing.

Prior to founding Beijing Commune, Leng was the editor of Art and Literature Research, and also the assistant researcher of the Institute of Literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. From 1993 to 2007, he worked as an Associate Professor of Art Theory and History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Since 1994, he has been in the field of Chinese contemporary art acting as a critic, curator, and gallerist; he is recognized as one of the most important curators and critics in mainland China. He has written extensively for numerous international publications. His writings on Chinese art theory in the 1990s are well-known, especially his concept of ‘I AM’. He has curated several important exhibitions such as New Anecdotes of Social Talk and It's Me. He was also responsible for organizing two of the earliest Chinese contemporary art auctions in 1996 and 1997; these were seen as helping create a foundation for a contemporary art market in China.

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