
时间:2010-04-28 10:11:14 | 来源:亚博备用网址



So Jinsu

徐镇洙 韩国江南大学经济学院教授、美术市场研究所所长

Professor of Economics, Kangnam University, Korea,

Korean Representative of Unviersal Esperanto-Association(UEA), President of Art Market Research Institute(AMRI)

Graduate School of Dankook University(Ph. D.),

Honourary Research Fellow at University of Glasgow, U.K.(1991-2),

Korean Representative of Unviersal Esperanto-Association(UEA),

President of Art Market Research Institute(AMRI)

Books: Study on Economic Crisis Theories of Classical Economics, Kangnam University Press, 1999,

Introduction to Cultural Economics, Kangnam University Press, 2005,

Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence(Translation), Center for Free Entrprice, 2002.

Articles: Studies on Economic Crisis Theories, Art Market of Korea, Art Market of China etc.

Title:Integration of SEBETO Art Market and Economic Fluctuation

Presenting the mixing of the 3 markets, Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo during last 3 years by art fairs and auctions, mention also economic fluctuation and its influence and macroeconomic perspective.

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