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亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2011-10-20 15:06:44 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址




The Expanding Boundary

Yi Ying

China had experienced earthshaking changes since the policy of reformation and opening implemented 30 years ago and so had the Chinese sculpture art if we look back on its developing process.

In the beginning, the changes were not obvious. The Cultural Revolution did great damage to the sculpture traditions in New China. The main task for the sculptures in the initial stage of the new period is to restore the realism tradition. The essence of realism is to reflect the reality as it is, however, the reality is experienced and comprehend by subjects and different subjects have different reality experiences and comprehensions, which is the diversity of realism when reflected on sculpture. The diversities of realism include the various choices of subject matters, dealings of forms and the mutations of themes. Although the leader subject matter and the images of workers, peasants and soldiers still make a great proportion, there is a growing increase of non-politic subject mattes, which are more suitable for the dealings of images and expressions of beauty. The sculpture had taken a modern change since the early periods of 80s, which is directly resulted from the reform and opening up to the outside world policy. The western modern art was brought in and the artists sought after the emancipation of minds, freedom of creation, laid stress on self-expression and abandoned the traditional patterns. The earliest sculptures that embodied the modern characteristics, like the realism sculptures, were created by a group of old artists. The initial trend can be called primitivism. Different from the rustic realism in painting, the primitivism in sculpture possesses an obvious formalism characteristic and the sources of the form are mainly from the country and originality. The forms derived from the people, folk customs and local cultures not only found the lost human nature but also expressed the innocent and original beauty, which are exactly the things that got lost in the arts for politics’ sake era. The concept of primitivism come from the western modern art, but the resources of form are rooted in the land of China, which seems like an implication that the China’s contemporary sculpture had been developing among the relations of reform and opening and the Chinese way throughout the whole process.


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