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艾 敬



生于辽宁省沈阳市。 Born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province.


儿时与外婆很亲近,幼时依偎着外婆,23 年后为外婆写了首歌《外婆这样的女人》。

Was very close to her maternal grandma. Wrote the song Grandma 23 years later.

9 岁的艾敬在上小学时已经开始代表学校参加歌唱比赛

Representing her school in singing competition when she was nine years old.



Learning to sing and play piano in Children’s Palace. 1980.



Her father was her first music teacher and used the Chinese instrument Erhu to introduce her to music.


Photo from Addicted to Love


Photo from Five Girls and a Rope


16 岁考进沈阳艺术学校声乐系并登上舞台随沈阳歌舞团巡回演出。17 岁来到北京,考 入北京东方歌舞团,并录制了当年曾创下 600 多万盒卡带销量的音乐专辑《大趋势》, 艾敬演唱的其中一首《沈阳啊,我的故乡》红遍大江南北。

Admitted into the Vocal Department at Shenyang School of Art and went on stage and performed around the country with Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe. Came to Beijing and joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe when she was 17. Re- corded her album Great Trend that sold more than six million copies. Her song Ah Shenyang, My Hometown in the album became an instant hit.

1988 - 1989

在广州开始职业歌手生涯。 期间翻唱大量港台流行音乐,发行大量卡带,但总觉得没有自己原创的作品,将艾敬 改为艾静。

Began her career in Guangzhou as a professional singer. Did many remakes of pop- ular Hong Kong and Taiwanese songs yet without her own original works. Changed her name from Ai Jing (“respect”) to Ai Jing (“quiet”).


因为“长得像山口百惠,笑起来像栗原小卷”主演了电视连续剧《情魔》。 Stared in the TV soap opera Addicted to Love because “she looks like Momoe Ya- maguchi and smiles like Komaki Kurihara.”


考入中央戏剧学院表演系。毕业后主演第一部电影是汤臣电影公司出品的《五个女子 和一根绳子》。 3 年后影片在国际获奖,艾敬因此登上《大众电影》的封面。

Entered the Acting Department at the Central Academy of Drama and starred in the movie Five Girls and a Rope, by Tomson Films. The movie won an international award three years later and Ai Jing went on the front cover of Popular Film maga- zine.

1993 年第 9 期《大众电影》封面

Front cover of Popular Film, ninth issue of 1993

《我的 1997》专辑封面

Cover of the album My 1997


Performing at the Hong Kong Wanchai Inter- national Pop music Festival

《流浪的燕子》MV 剧照

Photo of MV of Wandering Swallow


签约香港大地唱片公司,发表第一张个人专辑《我的 1997》。 专辑汇聚黄晓茂、王迪、刘效松、三儿、王勇、何勇、陈劲、三宝等中国原创乐坛的精英, 1993 年年初推出后,1 个月销量已达到 4 白金(20 万)。 将“艾静”改回本名“艾敬”。

Signed a contract with Dadi Records of Hong Kong and released her first individual album My 1997, the production team of which included such top names in Chinese music industry as Huang Xiaomao, Wang Di, Liu Xiaosong, San Er, Wang Yong, He Yong, Chen Jin and San Bao. The album’s sale reached two hundred thousands just one month after its release at the beginning of 1993. Changed her name from Ai Jing (“quiet”) back to Ai Jing (“respect”)


获哈萨克斯坦“亚洲之声音乐节”市长奖。 10 月,代表中国大陆参加香港“湾仔国际流行音乐节”。

Won the Mayor’s Award at Kazakhstan Sound of Asia Music Festival. October - Rep- resented China in Hong Kong Wanchai International Pop Music Festival.

12 月,《流浪的燕子》在中央电视台第一届“春兰杯 MTV 大赛”中获金奖及最佳创作奖。 MV 由著名摄影师、导演顾长卫操刀,艾敬在 MV 中的造型也十分独特。

december - Wandering Swallow won the Gold Prize and the prize of Best Creative Work at the First Chunlan Cup MTV Convention. The well-known cinematographer Gu Changwei directed the MV, in which Ai Jing’s style was very unique.


Cover of the album Once Upon a Time on Yanfen Street


Ai Jing with Tokiko Kato

艾敬与 THE BOOM 乐队

Ai Jing with the The Boom

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