
时间: 2015-03-23 16:08:12 | 来源: 亚博备用网址

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阮昊于2010年创立零壹城市建筑事务所,是中国80后新生代建筑师的典型代表。他曾当选“2013中国室内设计十大年度人物”,获 Images Publishing杂志提名“全球50位50岁以下革新设计师”,他曾被美国“亚洲社会”(Asia Society)组织授予“2006年度亚洲青年领导人”,也曾于2005年被美国高盛公司授予“高盛全球领导者”等称号。阮昊的设计作品获得众多国内外设计奖项,其中包括2013中国建筑与艺术“青年设计师奖”,2012年世界建筑新闻-最佳住宅设计奖提名,2011年加拿大Azure最佳建筑设计最受欢迎奖,2010年威尼斯建筑艺术双年展-中国新锐建筑创作奖等。其作品发表在《FRAME》,《MARK》,《HINGE》,《Surface Asia》、《CONCEPT》、《2012中国新建筑》、《建筑世界》、《设计家》等多家国内外著名设计杂志及丛书。

在创立零壹城市建筑事务所之前,阮昊曾担任哈佛大学建筑系系主任Preston Scott Cohen教授事务所的中国区项目总负责人。另曾工作于世界著名的纽约SHoP事务所、王澍业余建筑工作室等。阮昊的建筑评论曾发表于《AREA》、《Art4D》、《世界建筑》、《时代建筑》等多家国内外著名设计杂志;他是《为中国而设计》一书的章节作者,也是“2013上海艺术设计展”的策展人。

Ruan Hao

Principal of LYCS Architecture, received his Master of Architecture Degree from Princeton University School of Architecture. He also holds a M.Arch and B.Arch degree of architecture from Tsinghua University in Beijing and was one of the youngest Visiting Fellow at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he later taught design studio as a Teaching Fellow. Currently Ruan Hao teaches at China Academy of Art School of Architecture.

Ruan Hao founded LYCS Architecture in 2010, and he is a representative of the 1980s’generation young Chinese architects. He was honored as the “2013 China Top 10 Interior Designers” and was nominated as Images Publishing’s “50 Under 50”. He was also honored as the youngest “Asia Society Asia 21 Young Leaders” in Seoul 2006, and “Goldman Sachs Global Leaders” in New York 2005. His works has received numerous design awards worldwide including 2013 China Architecture & Art Young Designer Award, 2012 WAN-Best Residential Design nomination, 2011 AZ Award Interior - People’s Choice, 2010 Venice Biennale - Chinese New Architecture Award, 2008 International Velux Award and others. His works has been published in FRAME, Mark, Hinge, Surface Asia, CONCEPT, 2012 China New Architecture, Archi-World, Designer and other magazines internationally.

Prior to founding LYCS Architecture in 2010, Ruan Hao had worked in SHoP Architects in New York, Amateur Architecture Studio in Hangzhou and Preston Scott Cohen Inc in Cambridge. Ruan is also an architecture critic with writings published on AREA, Time Architecture, World Architecture, Art4D and others. He was one of the authors of the book“Design for China”and was one of the curators of 2013 Design Shanghai Exhibition.

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