Leonid Zuks

时间:2016-11-07 16:52:39 | 来源:亚博备用网址







Leonid Zuks was born in Australia in 1950 and now he is a technician at the University of Western Australia. He has participated in Langkawi Biennale 2014, Riga, Latvia painting exhibition 2013, Ecorea Jeonbuk Biennale 2012, the 4th Beijing Biennale 2010 and so on.

This is a literal painting except for its technical style, a sort of fractured unity. This artwork depicts family members like mother and child and the classic memories and dreams of the family tree. Nearly each progressive minute in their relationship comes memories in their minds. And why have children unless you trust in a future and build on dreams. Why not trust in the future and pursue the dream? It is wonderful experience of watching the painting.



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