
时间:2019-03-28 21:12:33 | 来源:亚博备用网址







“Re-Search” is a location-based application created for the La Biennale di Venezia 2019, which allows viewers to download an artist-developed application on their mobile devices. On this app, viewers can search and experience the“transplant” bridges from China in the Venice’s local bridges.

By connecting bridges from two lands through similarity of forms,“Re-Search” reveals the commonalities between the two civilizations, as well as the differences between the two regions. As one of the series works,"Interesting World" is also an artwork about connection, unlike“Re-Search”, it tries to connect a wider social field.

In response to the theme of“May You Live in Interesting Times,” the artist has designed a socialized construction game to connect worldwide participants. In this virtual three-dimensional world, participants can build their own“interesting world” by using the plenty of 3D models provided by artists that are recycled from the real world. The game mechanism also encourages players to connect and interact with other"worlds" through“bridges”. Building”bridges” can enables resource sharing and co-working, but another hand, it may create unexpected and uncomfortable intervention. 

In this game, the“bridge” is not only a construction element, but also a metaphorical socialization tool. This artwork can also be seen as a socialized experiment that helps us test, observe, and understand the complex and diverse world outlook of the public in the current context.

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