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亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2010-05-11 15:15:24 | 文章来源: 腾讯音乐

6月3日 Thursday 星期四

The Madullart Paralysis(意大利)


The Medullary Paralysis不仅仅是一个乐队名字,它更是一种特别的生活方式。他们提倡不酗酒、不吸毒、不乱交、富有同情心,对享受生活有不同的愿景,拒绝机械的进进出出,厌恶受虐,要心存怜悯。

The Medullary Paralysis创作音乐的动机是要和听者分享他们对事物独特的观点,他们写下了一些每个人迟早要面对的问题。其中有关于人际关系的;有关于失业问题的;还有关于新的生活方式的。他们的音乐风格是“融合了另类摇滚与工业舞曲的独立之声,是碎南瓜(The Smashing Pumpkins)、玛丽莲曼森(Marilyn Manson)、惊惧之泪(Tears for Fears)的结合体”。


晚9点 // 50元

The Madullart Paralysis (Italy)

Support by Exit A.

The Medullary Paralysis is not just a band but an idiosyncratic lifestyle. We don’t drink, we don’t take drugs, we don’t have sex, we feel compassion. We have a different vision about how to enjoy life, we repudiate mechanical sex, we hate victimism and we practice compassion.

You have an out-of-body experience when we mix The Smashing Pumpkins and Marilyn Manson. And Tears for Fears too. Indie industrial glam on the dance floor.

Come In the Medulla (www.themedullaryparalysis.com) and find out why.

Pm 9 // Rmb 50

6月4日 Friday 星期五

2010年 Ataraxia(意大利)中国巡演北京站

组建于1985年的Ataraxia从事音乐创作的根本动力来自他们对古老年代的痴迷,无论是东方玄学、地中海文明或者是北方凯尔特文化,也无论是音乐、绘画、宗教、科学、哲学、数学、建筑学甚至是魔法巫咒,凡是与古代文化相关的一切都能让他们着迷。以Ataraxia为名,是他们认为要达到ataraxia的精神境界,只有通过沉思才能不断认知和接受生活,这正是他们所需要的生活态度,而通过沉思又能启发自我的创造力,所以创造是他们从事一切学习和研究的基础。作为意大利最杰出的Dark Wave乐队之一,Ataraxia擅长将民谣、中世纪、文艺复兴、巴洛克、古典主义等不同艺术时期的音乐元素揉合到他们那如织锦般繁杂而华贵的音乐创作中,并将这一才能拓展到绘画、诗歌、舞台表演等不同的领域中尽情发挥,其中尤以乐队融合了戏剧、舞蹈、视觉艺术等多种艺术手段的现场表演最令人瞩目。从1985年至今十多年的艺术生涯里,他们坚持"创造"为其艺术的基础,不断求新求变,其锐意进取的积极态度令大多数乐队汗颜,更使得所有人都对之肃然起敬。


晚8点 // 200元/150元

Ataraxia (Italy) 2010 China Tour Beijing

Ataraxia are a few Italian artists who explore and create music, poetry, theatre and photography and who have dedicated their lives to art. We feel like pilgrims deeply influenced by our geographical and spiritual voyages in places still owning the nobleness of centuries. We have grown-up in a land that is a meeting point between the Mediterranean and Celtic cultures and we feel like wandering menestrels carrying the 'oral tradition' of early times. We define us as 'craftsmen of the sound' because we create an unusual mix of sacred and profane, atmospheric and experimental, contemporary and early music. We make researches into the European legends crossing the Greek and Latin myths. Contemplation, dream experiences, memories and ritual movements float in the magic garden of Psyche and Desire where new textures of notes meet the envelopping echo of classic sounds. Our peculiarity is composing both with acoustic instruments like classic guitar, chitarra battente, darabouka, tablas, tar and other percussions and electric ones like keyboards, synths and drum pads. Our lyrics have been written in many old and contemporary languages, thanks to the charme and richness of different sounds and accents we try to bring to surface the hidden treasures and revelations that each idiom owns.



Pm 8 // Rmb 200/150 (in advance)

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