魂遊 曾翠薇油画个展

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亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2007-06-05 10:06:39 | 文章来源: 美术同盟


展览名称:魂遊 曾翠薇油画个展



展览地址:上海复兴中路1331号26室 200031

电话:021 6431 6216

开放时间:11am -7pm 星期二-星期日

魂游太虚,发白日梦,领会遭逢的形象、交织的光影与色彩、 浮动的声响、转眼即逝的感觉……艺术创作需要心里常常满载悠闲意韵。


info The journey of spirit

Oil Painting by Tsang Chui Mei

6.09 – 8.20 2007

140sqm Gallery

1331 Fuxing zhonglu

26 room

near fenyang lu

Tel 021 6431 6216

11am – 7 pm Tuesday to Sunday

Losing in the imagination, day-dreaming, crisscrossing flickers of colour and shadows, reverberating sounds, elusive sensation …… artistic creations are experiences that always require a sense of leisure to be fully appreciated. Certain of ideas are generated after memorizing. Images are systematized and generalized by observation. From the obvious to the metaphor, some sorts of inexpressible attitude are inspired. I make no attempt at revealing the nature of painting or representing the actual appearances of the objects. My works are mostly related to subjective perspective, accidental convergence, imitation and appropriation.

Things in everyday life: trees, vegetables, flowers, insects and objects in studio: desk, chairs, canvas, wooden boards, spot lights, etc. All of them can be the images celebrating the wonderful time in my heart of hearts. The size and the distance of the objects are not following the regulations. The distance in between defines the relationship of the objects, and the tension created therein triggers off association in thoughts.

The orientation of the brushstrokes, the marks of the colours and the images forms many invisible lines that add to the cohesiveness of the composition. With “self” in the landscape, I have strong emotions towards it. Time and space are not specified in the paintings. I hope that the visual space created on the canvas is the representation of a definite mental space.



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