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亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2009-06-26 11:28:33 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址

牛房讲场 2009/ Symposium OX Warehouse 2009


How to grow up in interchanging?

摩根.奥哈拉 / Morgan O’Hara

28/6/2009 3:00pm

本月28日(星期日)下午三时牛房将请来婆仔屋艺术空间的老朋友摩根.奥哈拉(Morgan O’Hara)—一位创作经验丰富的美国艺术家,现身说法,在牛房做一个关于在不同国家、地区做驻场艺术创作的经验分享会,介绍身为一名独立创作人如何在不同文化影响下的土地上创作的过程,如何在这类须面对不同挑战的异乡环境中能同时得益,拓宽视野,而所谓的国际化大趋势又是怎么一回事?

At 3.00pm, 28th of June, 2009, Ox warehouse art space invites a pal, Morgan O’ Hara for a talk. Morgan is an artist who has full of experience in creative. For this talk, she will present about her resistant exhibitions in different countries and regions. Furthermore, she will introduce how she is influenced by the different cultures, as an independent artist. At the same time, the resistant artist also obtains a lot of benefits, such as open eyes of the world. Then, what does mean of global and how does it work?


Talk is present in English, and Chinese interpretation.

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