新书发布会《+0086 -- 北京酷》

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亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2009-08-27 18:29:11 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址




现在的中国青年是什么一回事?这大概就是最酷的一代中国人。像这个地球上所有的年轻生物一样,中国青年也是自我而又自恋,张狂而又脆弱,他们的眼镜充满着困惑也充满着兴奋。他们每天的生活有很多不尽如人意的东西,但却又充满着希望,这是一个个矛盾体。没准,这本书的某个女孩日后也会成为Cory Kennedy那样的Internet It Girl。 《0086-- 中国有多酷》所要展现的一个真实而鲜活的中国,这个中国跟你们之前了解的可能不太一样。这当然不是中国版的Skins,也不是中国版的Gossip Girl,这是年轻中国的一个记录,300多页就是300多个定格的镜头。这个记录片我们会一直做下去,北京酷是这个系列的开头。我们会陆续拍摄一个非常独特的中国,我们也不知道这个国家未来会怎么样,但一个年轻的中国会越来越酷。


《+0086 北京酷》 定价:130元





+0086 Beijing Cool

Book Launch

Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time: 16.00-18:00 Venue: Auditorium, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

A sort of Fruits of China's best dressed kids, this volume defines the new Chinese cool through the eyes of its hippest generation, in 300 pages of photos and illustrations from the ultracool Beijing-based magazine +0086.

The first generation to enjoy the economic accelerations--the foremost of the so-called "Tiger Economies"--of the past ten years, China's youth culture is media-savvy and globalized, their eyes beaming in the glow of perhaps becoming the next Internet It Girl or Cory Kennedy. These kids may watch Skins and Gossip Girl, but, as the book demonstrates, they aren't blindly miming some bland digest of global pop culture, rather, they are developing a new style that is specific to contemporary China, which is taking root by itself.

This publication marks the beginning of a documentary work in progress, as +0086 continues to report on the situation from the streets of Beijing. Though this book can't tell the future, it does predict that Chinese youth will just keep getting cooler.

+0086 Beijing Cool

by Peng Hongwu

Timezone 8 130 RMB



Date/日期:August 30, 2009      30日.08月.2009


Venue/场地: Ullens Center for Contemporary Art 尤伦斯当代艺术中心



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