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[专稿] 默演——汉斯·欧普·德·贝克个展

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2009-01-09 10:29:35 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址

  汉斯.欧普.德.贝克: 默演







  Hans Op de Beeck: Staging Silence

  Galleria Continua – Beijing (from 17 January 2009)

  First solo show in China

  The multi-disciplinary oeuvre of the Belgian visual artist Hans Op de Beeck (b. 1969) consists of large-scale sculptural installations, videos, animated films, sculptures, drawings, photographs, short stories and stage designs. Much of his work is based upon the ideas of detachment and loss of self for human beings in these post-modern times.

  The artist conceives and builds contemporary fictional urban and domestic locations and situations, sometimes featuring human characters that feel very familiar to viewers. His settings include both secluded spots suitable for inner reflection and crowded areas populated by characters who, at times, appear to be inept. His work sheds light on our own present-day lives, dreams and ambitions, and our perceptions of time, space and each other. Hans Op de Beeck’s visual language is hushed and reserved. Serious and ironic by turns, he asks questions that remain unanswered.

  Hans Op de Beeck has given the exhibition the title of ‘Staging Silence’, because all of the works are a reference to the staged image, which invites silence and reflection. He also wishes to comment upon the ineptitude and insignificance of human beings in relation to our own mortality and the magnificence and endlessness of nature.

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