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[专稿] 345°—上海新锐艺术大展

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2007-07-26 15:20:30 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址


  展览名称: 345°—上海新锐艺术大展
  展览地点: 上海多伦现代美术馆(上海市多伦路27号)1、2、6楼
  主办单位: 上海多伦现代美术馆 上海惊蛰艺术联盟
  协办单位:上海惠生艺术中心 上海多伦当代艺术中心、适时国际艺术(意大利)
  展览城市: 上海-上海
  策 展 人: 武树
  展览时间: 2007-07-28~2007-08-26
  开幕时间: 2007-07-28 16:00
  展览地点: 上海多伦现代美术馆1、2、6楼(多伦路27号)
  主办单位: 上海多伦现代美术馆 上海惊蛰艺术联盟
  特别支持: 上海惠生艺术中心
  学术支持: 上海多伦当代艺术中心、适时国际艺术(意大利)
  联系方式: 卢星 nhkbook@hotmail.com
  备 注: 上海新锐艺术大展大部分参展艺术家出生于80年前后,是一批国内优秀新生代年轻艺术家。他们极富想象力和创造力,他们的作品是他们个性张扬的空间,独立思想的表现。他们的创作更多的关注于个性情感的宣扬和对时尚生活的记忆,作品从而更富有个人情趣,画面变的更加细腻生动,更能引发观众的精神共鸣。而我们的展览正是试图从多角度反映出他们的多样性的个性艺术创作。展览将努力呈现国内新生一代年轻艺术家的最新创作面貌,我们经过了大半年的征集,四百多名参展者经过初复选淘汰最终评选出了58人进入我们的展览。

  Exhibition City: Shanghai
  Exhibition Curator: Wu Shu
  Time: July 28― August 26, 2007
  Opening: 4 pm, July 28, 2007
  Venue: 1,2,6 floor, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art (Duolun Rd. No. 27)
  Presented by: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai Jingzhe Art Association



345度新锐艺术大展 前言


  联系方式: 345art@163.com nhkbook@hotmail.com














  Exhibition Background Information:

  “345°—Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition” seeks to enrich the term “fresh art”, which is fully exposed to public debate right now. As a platform with official background, from its start Duolun has been devoting to constructive work, focusing on the development of contemporary art in China, especially the existence of emerging young artists. In Duolun Museum, consistent effort has been made to support young artists, with the hope to turn the museum into a vast scene to display their art works, and build a bridge between the artists and the public. To sum up, we would like to set up an exhibition system truly for the young artists with the Fresh Art Exhibition.

  Most of the participating artists into Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition were born in around the 80’s, and were accepted as excellent young artists of Neozoic era at home. With rich imagination and powerful creativity, they splash their personality and demonstrate their independent thinking in their works. The creation generally pays keen attention to the declaration of personal feelings and memories of fashionable way of living, which consequently brings lots of personal touch to the delicate and lively pictures, hence capable of triggering innermost spiritual resonance among the audience. This exhibition tries to give a stage for the diversity of their characteristic creation from many angles, striving to present the latest development of these young artists of Neozoic era in China. After the collecting work for more than half the year, the artists involved have been through the first and second round contests and 58 of them finally made their way into this exhibition. From this time, an agency named “New Fresh Art Base” specifically responsible for academic plotting and market publicity will be set up to draft plans for the organization and execution of annual project series, to form a powerful pushing hand behind New Fresh Art Exhibition.

  “345°—Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition” of this year is co-organized by Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai Jingzhe Art Association and Italy Present International Multiform Art. The theme title “345°” primarily communicates the message that this is a process of exploring and searching, a state of being progressing, while bearing the expectation of achieving 360°perfection. There are roughly two sectors in the exhibition scene, oil painting and sculpture, occupying the 1st, 2nd, and 6th floors of the museum, and we aim to push forward diverse creation and research among young Chinese artists, to give concern to young artists’ experience of art for today, to explore the new moving trend among them, to strengthen academic guidance, and to facilitate the exchange of art creation.

  This is a fresh exhibition. A statement of youthful personality!

  Once again young artists become the leading roles and the focus of public concern in museum.

  Stay close to the spirit of the times, report individual space, show the lovely passion and ambitious dreams of the artists of a younger generation, and document the sensitiveness, self-consciousness, and personality.

  To discover and foster young artists, to create a platform for their talents, and to offer a chance for them to exert their unique imagination, all these would be the goal of this exhibition.


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