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[专稿] 百年印象摄影画廊——罗伯特•凡德•休斯特摄影作品展

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2007-05-16 11:05:51 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址


罗伯特•凡德•休斯特摄影作品展The Photography of Robert van der Hilst

中国人家Chinese Interior

通过眼神、动情和感受来交流  -----罗伯特•凡德•休斯特  2004年我开始着手“中国人家”这个摄影专题,此前一年我刚刚完成“古巴人家”的专题,所以相信可以将用于古巴的手法用于中国,通过在人们家中拍摄,面对他们,了解他们,根据我之所见,将他们安排在家中的不同位置。最重要的一点是,在古巴我可以跟他们说西班牙语,在短暂的时光内与他们共同相处。  但是这些招数在中国完全行不通。我不会说中文,对中国文化也知之甚少。我很快就明白我无法融入他们的生活。当我站在他们门口时,他们对我这个银头发高个子、带着照相器材的外国人流露出的种种反应让我确信:我的手法是不管用的。来到他们门前我觉得自己与他们存在着鸿沟。此时此地我是一个荷兰摄影师,虽想进入这些中国家庭却不能与拍摄对象交流。我问自己,“我在这里究竟要干什么?” 但我很有兴致来跨越这道鸿沟,而这些人们所表现出的好奇也促使我去履行这项使命。工作开始时,我通过翻译向大家说明我的身份和企图。过了这道坎之后,我就能和我的拍摄对象交流了——用眼神、用情感、用我的感受来交流。在这以后,我发现自己能够融入他们的家庭了,就像在那些我能够用语言交流的国家那样,进而能够拍下与他们默默交流的那一个又一个瞬间。  Communicating through the eyes, feelings and emotions…

When I started working on my "Chinese interiors" photography project in June 2004, about a year after finishing my "Cuban Interiors" project, I believed that I could take the same approach in China as in Cuba.....photographing people inside their homes, meeting them, getting to know them, positioning them as, I, the photographer, saw them, inside their homes. And most importantly, speak with these people in their language and blend into their lives for a short period of time. It did not turn out like that at all in China. I do not speak the language and to a large extent I am ignorant of their culture. Soon after embarking on the project I realized that I would not be able to blend into these people’s lives as easily. Their reactions upon seeing a tall man and his camera equipment at their doorstep made me realize that this was not going to work. I felt like an alien arriving at these people’s home.  Here I was, a Dutch photographer, wishing to get inside the homes of these Chinese families, but unable to communicate with my subjects. I asked myself ‘what am I doing here?’  But my curiosity to find out more about the people and their behaviour towards me, drove me to pursue my personal mission even more relentlessly. I started working with an interpreter who helped to explain who I was and what it was that I wished to do. Once this initial critical hurdle was overcome, I could communicate with my subjects, through the eyes, emotions and feelings. Soon after, I found myself blending into these people’s homes, just like in any country where I would speak the language, and capturing these moments of quiet communication with my subjects.  








Opening time: Jun 2  3:00pm ,2007

Exhibition time: Jun 2 ,2007 –Jun 22 , 2007



Add:No4,Jiu xianqiao road,Chao Yang district, BeiJing.


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