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[专稿] 维赫基妮·莫尼克—混浊的色

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2007-10-20 10:55:50 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址


VIRGINIE MOUNICOT 维赫基妮·莫尼克. 1955年生

主办:法国东西文化促进协会 红樱桃广告公司协办

法国蓬皮杜当代艺术博物馆 收藏作品:雕塑
Alain de Foucaud收藏 收藏作品:雕塑
美国纽约布鲁克林当代美术馆 收藏作品:雕塑

2006 - MALAKOFF艺术中心(Maison de la Culture)巴黎。丙烯画。
2006 –JEAN-NOUVEL建筑工作室.巴黎。雕塑,装置。材料:木头,切割玻璃
2005 - 想象画廊.北京。丙烯金属画,材料:金属,金粉,银粉
1998 - Ineydjan画廊.瑞士。雕塑。 材料:铝
1998– Anton Weller艺廊.巴黎。雕塑 材料:铝
1995– Galerie Du Tabeau艺廊.马赛。装置。 材料:丙烯,铝
1993 - 93艺术活动.巴黎
1993 - Nomi Givon艺廊。以色列。雕塑。材料:铝
1992 - 参加以色列雕塑双年展并获一等奖
1992 - 法国驻意大利大使馆文化部。纳普勒斯。装置。材料:丙烯,铝
1991 - Philippe Boulahia艺廊。巴黎。雕塑。材料:丙烯,铝
1989– Jean-MarcPara艺廊.巴黎。雕塑。材料:丙烯,铝
1987 - F.I.A.C.法国当代艺廊博览会。丙烯画
1986 - Bale瑞士当代艺廊博览会
1985 - 纽约Fachetti艺廊。丙烯画
1985 - Cartier卡地亚艺术基金会 。巴黎。 丙烯画
1983 - P.S.One艺廊。纽约。丙烯画

法国巴黎 DRAC 青年艺术家奖
法国巴黎 FIACRE 法国文化部学术奖
美国纽约 纽约艺术展奖   

2006 - 巴黎Malakoff艺术中心。公共雕塑.建筑师:Jean-Christophe Tougeron
1998 - 巴黎市小学。 装置.建筑师:Jean-Christophe Tougeron
1997 - Melun高等法院,地面装置设计.建筑师:Jourdan
1995 - Bauge.抽象墙体画.建筑师:Biro&Gerin-Jean
1992 - 巴黎,Clavel高中,墙体装置.建筑师:Gazeau
1992 - Melun税务局.室内公共装置.建筑师:Vaudon-Luthi
1989 - 巴黎GDF总部 公共装置.建筑师:Vignier-Jaudry
1984 - 巴黎七大霓虹灯公共装置  

关于80M2艺术沙龙(80M2 SALON OF ART)

Virginie Mounicot .
born in 1955
Gratuated from Beaux Arts de Paris and Ecole des Metiers d’Art,she’specialized in painting and art for architecture.

Musée Georges Pompidou, Paris - Sculpture
Alain de Foucaud Collections, Paris - Sculptures
Brooklyn Contemporary Art Museum, New York – Sculptures Solo

2006 Art Center in Malakoff , Paris - Paintings with gold and sylver powder
2005 Imagine Gallery, Beijing - Paintings with gold and sylver powder
1998 Ineydian Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland - Sculptures in aluminium
1998 Anton Weller Gallery, Paris, France - Sculptures in aluminium
1995 Galerie de Tableau, Marseille, France - Sculptures in aluminium
1993 Nomi Givon Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel - Sculptures in aluminium
1991 Philippe Boulahia Gallery, Paris, France - Sculptures in aluminium
1989 Jean-Marc Patra Gallery, Paris, France - Paintings
1985 Fachetti Gallery, New york - Paintings

Group Exhibitions
1993 Manifestation 1, Art Event, Paris – Sculptures in aluminium
1992 Napoli, Italy, French Cultural Center - Sculptures in aluminium
1992 First prize Biennal of Sculpture, Tel-Aviv, Israel
1987 FIAC Paris, Eric Franck Gallery - Paintings
1986 Art Basel, Switzerland, Eric Franck Gallery - Paintings
1985 Fondation Cartier, Paris, France - Paintings
1983 PS 1 , New York - Paintings


DRAC , Paris
PS 1, New York
Public Art
2006 Public Sculpture for the Art Center of Malakoff, Paris
1998 Public Sculpture for a primary school in Paris
1997 Public Sculpture, Palais de Justice, Melun, France
1995 Public Sculpture, Centre des Impots, Bauge, France
1992 Public Sculpture, High School of Clavel, France
1992 Public Sculpture, Centre des Impots, Melun, France
1989 Public Sculpture, Electricité de France, Paris, ,France

Few Words about 80M2 Art Salon

80M2 Art Salon was established in 1985, originally situated in the West District Culture Houseof Beijing, where there was a 80 sq. meter exhibition hall. The 80M2 Art Salon was a well-knownspace for modern art exhibition in Beijing of the early 1980s.

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