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[专稿] 文芳个人摄影/装置作品展

亚博备用网址 | 时间: 2008-06-16 14:27:33 | 文章来源: 亚博备用网址


  展览日期:6月21日 至 8月13日

  巴黎·北京摄影空间即将展出艺术家文芳的新作品,展览日期自2008年6月21日起至8月13日。这期的展览-“影壁”,是她在巴黎•北京摄影空间去年展出的那一系列作品 “新金砖”(装置)的扩展与延伸。




worker brick closeup


  Wen Fang
  Solo Exhibition – Photography / Installation
  Opening party: June 21st, 2008 - 3pm
  Exhibition Dates: June 21st, 2008 – August 13th, 2008
  Venue: Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery I

  Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery is delighted to exhibit the new works of artist, Wen Fang, from June 21st to August 13th, 2008. Foundations is an expansion on her installation series, The New Golden Brick, which was unveiled at Paris-Beijing one year ago.

  A native of Beijing and a graduate of the National Film, Photography and Sound Engineering School (ENS) of Louis-Lumière in Paris, this young photographer’s fascination and artistic focus reside in bricks. Bricks are the ever-present foundations of support in the city of perpetual change. Unlike the traditional Golden bricks made in imperial architecture which were meticulously selected for their imperishable quality and signed by the maker, the lives of modern bricks are ephemeral as they are infinitely reproduced and readily replaced for ones with a more youthful glow.

  These cement building blocks are witnesses to China’s enduring evolution. Amidst the reconstructed brick paths of Beijing, echoes of past memories and traditions still resonate. Wen Fang revives the Golden Brick of the past, providing a pioneering glance into these perennial traditions that continue to shape contemporary China. From her representations of migrant workers as terracotta soldiers, to her revamped version of traditional mahjong, Wen Fang raises questions about the present and future identity of China while honoring the community and culture she so deeply treasures.

  Wen Fang’s Golden Bricks have recently been exhibited by the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, and have recently been acquired by Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in Beijing.


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