奥里特•阿瑟瑞 部分作品

时间:2010-06-09 15:33:28 | 来源:亚博备用网址

Oh Jerusalem, Video loop, 4.20 minutes, pal, B&W silent, 2005

噢,耶路撒冷,循环视频,4 分20 秒,视频录像,黑白无声,2005

Statement The video feature Ashery dressed- up both as an Arab man and an orthodox Jewish man. The two characters are bound in an endless repetition of acts and the power of inertia. As the rhythm of the acts accelerates, the characters merge into one, joined in their fixation on a drawing of Jerusalem.



Can I join You Just This Once,an intervention, 2007-2010

我能加入你们吗,仅此一次? 一次介入行为 2007-2010

In 2007 Ashery joined a demonstration of Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews in central London. The group asked her to leave because she is a woman. Ashery move away, after arguing her case, but slowly approached them again without them noticing her.




Guardian of the City I, digital print, 120cm long, 2008



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