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  陈锦芳博士( b.1936) www.tfchen.org

  在这电脑及传播的时代,我们不仅需要「硬体」和「软体」,且更需要「灵体」 (Soulware) …

  —2001演讲 纽约 联合国大厦


  联合国文化大使留法旅美世界有名庆典画家陈锦芳博士,艺术家,思想家。1936年生于台湾。1963年考取法国政府奖学金赴法留学,获巴黎大学当代法国文学硕士及现代美术史博士(1970年)之同时在巴黎艺术学院深造七年,艺术创作与文化研究并行。1969年建立「五次元世界文化观」,倡导「新文艺复兴」,并衍生其在绘画表现上的「新意象派」(Neo-Iconography)而立足国际艺坛。其艺术整合古今中外的「文化意象」加以创新表现,往往艺以载道,成为「后现代」一重要样相。作品被编入300本教科书及艺术书籍、如美国大专用书「世界美术史」(Arts & Ideas)一书。个展上200次,并固定在纽约市陈锦芳文化馆展览。作品广被世界各大美术馆及公司典藏, 包括巴黎现代美术馆、美国国家博物馆、白宫、以及台北市立美术馆。陈氏出版有21本画册及文化论作,被誉为「后现代文化先驱」及「当今世界上20位最具影响力的艺术家之一」。

  陈氏毕生致力于创作,展览,写作,推动新文艺复兴及东西文化交流。 2001年获颁联合国「全球宽容奖」(Global Tolerance Award),并荣任联合国「宽容及和平文化大使」(Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance & Peace),透过「为人类而艺术世界巡回展」(Arts for Humanity World Tour, 2005-2010)以推动艺术教育及「爱、宽容、和平之文化」的建立。2007-2008年陈锦芳在中国北京及上海等地巡回展出并增加「奥运」及「天坛」系列新内容,同时出版新书「陈锦芳的艺术与奥运:为人类而艺术」。

  Dr. T. F. Chen www.tfchen.org

  In our age of computers and communication, not only do we need hardware and software, but also soulware, S. O. U. L.ware. (at UN, NYC. 2001.)

  Dr. T.F. Chen is a master artist with historical vision and cultural mission, who has dedicated his life to creating artwork that reflects the achievements of our humanity and inspires worldwide cultural harmony and progress.

  Dr. Chen is also a painter, art historian, writer, philosopher, visionary, and founder of the T.F. Chen Arts For Humanity Foundation as well as his own Cultural Center in SoHo, NYC. In 2001, he was honored with the Global Tolerance Award from the Friends of the United Nations and designated a Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace, for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace and for his art of multiculturalism. T.F. Chen’s “Arts for Humanity World Tour 2005-2010” aims to promote Art Education and A Glaobal Culture of Peace.

  Renowned for his artistic style, philosophical visions, and honorable character, Dr. Chen is a true Renaissance man who embodies the merging of Western and Eastern Cultures. Born in Taiwan, Chen was awarded a scholarship in 1963 from the French government to study in Paris. He lived there for twelve years, earning his M.A. in French Contemporary Literature and Ph. D in Art History from Univ. of Paris (La Sorbonne), while simultaneously studying painting at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts for seven years. In 1969, Dr. Chen established “Five-Dimensional World Culture” in theory and initiated his signature style of “Neo-Iconography” (Neo-I) in art.

  Recognized as “one of the twenty most influential artists in the world today” (Art Critic, Dr. Thomas McEvilley), Dr. Chen has conducted more than 200 one-man exhibitions world-wide. He has published over 20 books in English, Chinese and French regarding his art and theories; and is frequently invited to lecture and exhibit around the globe. Chen’s works are featured in over 200 textbooks (including art history textbooks such as Arts & Ideas), countless articles, newspapers, etc.; and are collected widely both privately and publicly. In 2007-2008 Dr. Chen concentrated his exhibitions in China, enriched the content with “Temple of Heaven” and “Salute to the Beijing Olympics” Series while publishing this book: “Dr. T.F. Chen’s Art and the Olympics: an Art for Humanity”.

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